§ 115.01  DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   JUNK.  Any personal property which is or may be salvaged for re-use, re-sale, reduction or similar disposition, or which is possessed, transported, owned, collected, accumulated, dismantled or assorted for any of the aforesaid purposes. Without limiting the aforesaid definition of JUNK, the term shall include used or salvaged iron, brass, lead, copper and other base metal or metals, and their compounds or combinations; used or salvaged rope, bags, paper, rags, glass, rubber, and similar articles, or used lumber, used brick, used tile, and any other used building material or fixtures, and used motor vehicles which are used, owned or possessed for the purpose of wrecking or salvaging parts therefrom.
   JUNK DEALER.  Every person who engages in the business of buying, exchanging, collecting, receiving, storing or selling any article or articles hereinabove defined as junk.
   JUNK YARD or JUNK SHOP.  Any place at which a junk dealer buys, exchanges, collects, receives, stores, accumulates, sells or otherwise handles junk.
('68 Code, § 3-1001)  (Ord. 189, passed 4-16-62; Am. Ord. 363, passed 6-1-70)