No license shall be issued:
   (A)   Where the individual operator, managing agent of a corporation or active partner has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude.
   (B)   For any premises, unless the Building Regulations and any applicable provision of this code or any applicable ordinance of the city, as far as can be determined, are met and satisfied.
   (C)   For any premises unless the applicant files an approval of the application in writing signed by 60% or more of all owners of property residing or operating establishments within 500 feet of the premises on which the business is operated, except in the case of renewal of licenses in which instance such approval is not mandated.
   (D)   For any premises which might be located within 1,500 feet of any school building attended by students below the age of 16 years (measurement shall be made from front door to front door, along the street line).
   (E)   For any premises which do not provide off-street parking as provided in the Zoning Code of the city.
   (F)   For any premises which do not provide space for safe ingress and egress as determined by the Fire Chief or his agent.
   (G)   For any premises housing living quarters with direct entry to the premises.
   (H)   Whenever the City Council deems that the granting of such license will not be in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare of the city.
('68 Code, § 3-164) (Ord. 600, passed 4-18-83)