(A)   Every person or operator as defined in § 113.046 desiring to obtain a license as required by this subchapter shall file a written application to the City Clerk on forms approved by the City Clerk, together with an application fee of $200 or as hereinafter provided by resolution of Council.
   (B)   The application shall include the following information:  The applicant's correct name, post office address and residence, the length of time and location of all residences within the state for the five years immediately preceding the date of application; whether or not the applicant has been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude; references in each application of at least five reputable citizens in any community wherein the applicant has resided within the state during the last five years, and written recommendations of at least two citizens in such community of residence respecting the moral character of said applicant.
   (C)   Each application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee as herein specified payable to the city treasurer for the use of the city. Said applicant shall specify in each application the type of business and the exact location of the place thereof. If the application should be from a corporation, authorized to do business in this state, the application shall be made by the agent of such corporation having principal charge of the place of business proposed to be established, and such application shall contain all statements and furnish recommendations in respect to such agents as are required in the case of private individuals treated herein.
   (D)   Any license issued to a corporation shall be revocable upon the occurrence of a change in the personage of the agent managing the place of business as stated herein, and a new license shall be required by the City Council before any new agent may take charge of such place of business for said corporation.
   (E)   In cases of partnership applications, each active partner in said applicant's business shall furnish all of the information and recommendations required of any individual applicant.
('68 Code, § 3-161)  (Ord. 600, passed 4-18-83)