Whenever such police officer finds a vehicle unattended upon any highway where such vehicle constitutes obstruction to traffic, such officer is hereby authorized to provide for the removal of such vehicle to the city motor vehicle pound or to the nearest garage or other place of safety.
(‘68 Code, § 5-203) (Ord. 152, passed 8-26-58))
If any motor vehicle is towed to the city motor vehicle pound, such towing and removal shall be at the risk of the owner. Before the owner or any person in charge of such vehicle shall be permitted to move same from such pound, he shall furnish evidence of his identity and ownership or right to possession, he shall sign a receipt for said vehicle, and shall pay to the police department the towage fee as set forth in § 90.05, plus storage charges of $.50 per day or fraction thereof.
(‘68 Code, § 5-204) (Ord. 152, passed 8-26-58); Am. Ord. 152.1, passed 11-12-58)
Whenever any garage and/or filling station tows a motor vehicle to the city motor vehicle pound at the request or approval of the City Police Department, the said garage and/or filling station operator shall be entitled to receive a minimum sum of $5 from the city for each towed vehicle. It shall be within the discretion of the Chief of Police or his duly authorized representative to approve a higher towage fee where the vehicle to be towed is other than an automobile or where the prevailing circumstances require extensive towing services.
(‘68 Code, § 5-205) (Ord. 152, passed 8-26-58); Am. Ord. 152.1, passed 11-12-58)