Applicants will be held responsible for the proper execution of the applications for water service and service connections.  All expenses incurred by reason of incorrect information given shall be charged to and paid for by the applicant.
   (A)   All service connections under three inches and pipes from the water mains to the lot lines shall be furnished and installed by the Water Department.  On service connections three inches and over the city will tap the main and install the valve.
   (B)   No service connection will be installed when the section of the service line installed by the plumber is in line with a driveway, tree, fire hydrant, catch basin or other obstruction.
   (C)   The charge for each service connection, as established by the City Council, must be paid at the time of application.
   (D)   All new service pipes connecting with the distributing mains under three inches shall be type “K” copper or such other material as is approved by the Department, and shall have an inside diameter of at least 3/4 inches.  All new service pipes three inches or larger in diameter may be cast iron.  Specifications of such pipe shall be approved by the Department before installation.
   (E)   All service connections shall be five feet below finished grade and inspected by the city before being backfilled.
   (F)   All service connections must be installed at least six feet from the existing gas service.  Before installing water connections, the plumber must check the location of gas service.  Service pipes must be uniform in size in their entirety.  Joints between lengths of copper tubing must be of the flange type and well made.
   (G)   When premises have a cellar or basement, service pipes must be extended into the same and branches taken therefrom on the outlet side of the meter.
   (H)   It is expressly forbidden for any plumber to lay a service pipe inside of a building, along the outside wall, or in any position where there is danger of frost; also, to make new connections, or to install any new attachments or fixtures to old connections, that shall require a running stream to prevent freezing.
   (I)   Unusual conditions not specifically contemplated herein shall be reported to the Council for disposition, and the ruling of the Council thereon shall be final.
   (J)   Water lines will not be allowed to cross public streets or alleys without permission of the Department.
   (K)   When a new service line is required, the owner of the property must have all unused service connections entering the property disconnected at the street main.  Where a new building is erected upon a property, and an existing service line is used, all unused lines entering said property must be disconnected at the street main.  Plumbers shall acquaint themselves as to the existence of old service lines.
   (L)   Charges for disconnecting all services, except those in the same trench as the new service and of the screw type, shall be borne by the parties applying for the disconnection.
   (M)   Meters shall be installed with clearance distances in accordance with requirements of the Department.
   (N)   Bypasses and meter connections the same size as the service lines will be required on all meters 1-1/2 inches and larger in size.  Bypasses will not be allowed on 1-inch and smaller meters.  The bypasses and meter connections shall be constructed according to drawings furnished by the Department.
   (O)   The Department shall require all private fire lines and sprinkler systems to be metered.  The applicant must purchase the meter.
   (P)   No reciprocating pump shall be attached directly to the city mains unless the same shall be used exclusively for fire purposes.
(‘68 Code, § 7-107)  (Ord. 215, passed 4-20-64; Am. Ord. 242, passed 4-19-65)  Penalty, see § 52.99