LBE, MBE and FBE participation shall be counted toward the applicable goals as follows:
   (A)   Once a firm is certified as such, the total dollar value of the contract awarded to the LBE, MBE or FBE is counted toward the applicable goals.
   (B)   A LBE, MBE,or FBE which is owned and controlled by both minority males and females is counted toward the minority and female goals in proportion to the percent of ownership of each group member.
   (C)   LBE, MBE, FBE suppliers shall be credited as follows: 100% of the contract amount for LBE/MBE/FBE suppliers who manufacture the goods supplied; and all LBE/MBE/FBE suppliers who are wholesalers warehousing the goods supplied or who are manufacturers’ representatives will be credited with 100% of the price of their contract; however, only 25% of the LBE/MBE/FBE goal may be obtained with non-manufacturing supplier contracts to LBEs/MBEs/FBEs.
   (D)   In those contracts of which an extraordinarily large proportion of the contract price is for equipment or supplies, the City Council or Mayor may set a lower project goal than otherwise would be required for increase the 25% limit for supplier’s, or a combination of the two.
   (E)   The Contract Compliance Officer/Personnel Director shall grant certification of an approved LBE, MBE or FBE for a period of two years. All companies must request recertification of their business. If a LBE, MBE or FBE is denied certification on the basis of information submitted, the company cannot reapply for certification for a period of one year from the date of the notice of denial, provided that said company shall have the right to appeal said denial before the City Council, and to be certified if said appeal is decided in its favor.
(‘68 Code, § 2-1708) (Ord. 603, passed 8-15-83; Am. Ord. 760, passed 1-6-97)