§ 37.18 GOALS.
   (A)   The city’s goal is to provide the maximum extent that local business enterprises (LBEs), minority business enterprises (MBEs), and female business enterprises (FBEs) participate in each eligible project at a percentage of the total dollar amount expended equal to or greater than minority and female representation amounts business entities known to be available for like projects. Separate goals for LBE, MBE and FBE participation for each fiscal year shall be set by the City Council or their designee through appropriate Council resolution, which resolution shall set forth the basis by which each goal was determined, including but not limited to the following:
      (1)   A forecast of all eligible projects to be awarded within the coming fiscal year, specifying the type and value of contractual services to be obtained;
      (2)   The anticipated amount of federal funding for eligible projects;
      (3)   The number of LBE, MBE and FBE firms known to be available for the type and value of contractual services to be obtained;
      (4)   The LBE, MBE and FBE percentages of the total number of business entities known to be available for the type and value of contractual services to be obtained;
      (5)   The statistical and data sources by which each goal was calculated.
   (B)   The goals must be approved by resolution of the Council within 30 days of promulgation and by the Council or its designee, and shall remain effective until the promulgation of new goals the following year.
   (C)   It is the main objective of the city’s goals to give priority to all local business enterprises in their participation in all eligible projects to the maximum extent possible.
(‘68 Code, § 2-1703) (Ord. 603, passed 8-15-83)