(A)   Except as provided by division (B) of this section, employees covered by this unemployment compensation system shall consist exclusively of the employees in the classified and civil service of the city as defined by the Charter and by the rules and regulations of the Civil Service Board, and the full-time unclassified employees.  (‘68 Code, § 2-1205) 
   (B)   Employees not covered by this unemployment compensation system shall be:
      (1)   Elected and appointed nonfull-time officials.
      (2)   Persons providing contractual service to the city as specialists, independent contractors or employees thereof.
      (3)   Employees who are or were at the time of their employment by the city, students enrolled on a regular basis in high school, college, graduate school or any other school in which their primary status is clearly that of a student, or any persons hired as students.
      (4)   Seasonal, temporary and part-time employees.
      (5)   Service performed by an individual where compensation is derived at least 50% from federal funds received under a specific federal program for which an application was made and whose employment is terminated due to discontinuance of the federal funding, unless reimbursement is made to the city under the federal program for unemployment benefits under this subchapter.
      (6)   Service by a student under the age of 18 years regularly attending either a public of private school below the college level and the employment was part-time or within the vacation period of the school, or a part of the school curriculum.
(‘68 Code, § 2-1206) 
(Ord. 483, passed 12-21-74)