(a)   When any person shall find any lost money or lost goods, if the owner thereof be known, he shall immediately give notice thereof to such owner; if the owner thereof be unknown, and such money or goods be of the value of $3 or more, the finder shall, within two days, cause notice thereof to be posted in two public places within the city where the same were found, and shall also within seven days give notice thereof in writing to the City Clerk and pay him $.25 for making an entry thereof in a book to be kept for that purpose.  (‘68 Code, § 2-603) 
   (B)   If the money or goods so found have the value of $10 or more and the owner thereof be unknown, the finder thereof shall also within one month after such funds cause notice thereof to be advertised in some newspaper in the same county, if one is published there, and if not, then in some newspaper published in an adjoining county, and continued therein for six successive weeks.  (‘68 Code, § 2-604) 
   (C)   If the owner or person entitled to the possession to any such money or goods, other than stray animals, shall appear at any time within one year after such entry with the City Clerk, and shall make out his rights thereto, he shall have restitution of the same, or the value thereof, upon his paying all the costs and charges aforesaid, together with a reasonable compensation to the finder for keeping and taking care of the same, and for his necessary travel and expenses in the case, which charges shall, in the case of disagreement between the owner and the finder, be determined by the district court judge of the city who shall certify the same.  (‘68 Code, § 2-605)
   (D)   If no owner or person entitled to the possession of the same shall appear within one year, then such money or goods that remain shall go the finder, except if the finder is a city employee, in the performance of his duty, where the finder shall receive the value thereof from the Treasurer of the city, according to said certification, after deducting from such value all the fees and charges aforesaid, or as determined and certified by the district judge as aforesaid.  (‘68 Code, § 2-606) 
(Ord. 617, passed 6-17-85)