(A) The Police Department and the individual police officer will take special care to exercise sound and considered judgment in the enforcement of this subchapter, not only to honor the rights of citizens as defined by the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the state, but also to safeguard the personal dignity of all those affected by it.
(B) The driver or occupants of a motor vehicle stopped for a routine traffic violation, shall not be searched or unduly detained, nor shall the vehicle be searched, or impounded, if the driver’s license and the vehicle registration are in order, the vehicle is equipped as required by state law, and the driver’s ability to drive is not impaired; provided that special and unusual circumstances which reasonably cause an officer to believe his life or person is endangered shall justify a limited search for dangerous weapons.
(‘68 Code, § 4-1404) (Ord. 410, passed 3-6-72)