(A)   No swimming pool shall be hereinafter erected unless and until a permit shall be issued from the Building Department before the commencement of any construction. All applications for permits shall be accompanied by a complete and detailed set of plans and specifications of the swimming pool, including recirculation, filtration and chlorination system, details, and before any permit shall be issued, the plans and specifications must be approved by the Building Department of the city, and before any swimming pool shall be put to use, a final inspection and approval must be had from the Building Department of the city.
   (B)   All applications for a permit for the construction of a swimming pool shall be accompanied by a permit fee of $15 to cover the cost of processing and inspection.
(‘68 Code, § 6-1802)  (Ord. 157, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 851, passed 2-20-15)  Penalty, see § 10.99