(A)   The Commission on Aging has as its purpose to encourage, assist and enrich independent living of the aged in the city at a residence of their choice.
   (B)   Among the specific objectives are:
      (1)   The assurance that those aged in need of service and who are either unable to seek it privately or are eligible and choose to seek publicly-provided services may receive them without loss of human dignity, undue invasion of privacy, nor abrogation of their right for respect, courtesy and attention.
      (2)   The provision of supportive services reinforcing and enabling the aged to receive needed services.
      (3)   Assist in the creation of a socially rewarding and enriching community milieu for the aged.
      (4)   Inform and warn the aged of fraudulent, unethical or unfair practices known to exist and which prey upon the uninformed and gullible.
      (5)   To provide and to enlist the assistance of other community groups in the provision of creative opportunities for self-expression and personally rewarding activities for the aged, thereby assisting in the maintenance of healthy self-concepts of worthiness and providing opportunities for meaningful contributions to community life and welfare.
      (6)   The augmentation of and enrichment of existing recreational activities for the aged.
(‘68 Code, § 2-154) (Ord. 414, passed 4-3-72)