Planning Commission fees for site plan review, subdivision review, rezoning petitions, special use permits shall be the following:
   (A)   Site plan review:
      Commercial and industrial, $200, plus $20 per acre.
      Multiple dwelling, $200, plus $2 per unit.
      Subdivision review, $200, plus $2 per lot.
      Planned Central District, $300.
   (B)   Rezoning petitions and hearings, $300.
   (C)   Special use permits/conditions:
      Commercial and industrial, $200, plus $20 per acre.
      Special uses: hospitals, nursing homes, large group residential facilities, $200.
   (D)   Board of zoning appeals
   Hearing at regular meeting, $250.
(‘68 Code, § 6-2358) (Ord. 646, passed 2-2-87)