(A)    A commissioner may be removed from office prior to the end of his or her term with or without any reason. Removal may be initiated only by the nominating Council member and must be ratified by a four-fifths vote of the City Council. If the commissioner was appointed by the City Council as provided for in § 32.03(F), then the commissioner may be removed by a majority vote of the entire City Council. In either case, the action to remove the commissioner is final and not subject to review.
   (B)    A commissioner who has been removed from office may not be re-appointed to fill the vacancy created by his or her removal.
   (C)   With the concurrence of a majority of the City Council, at any time a Council member may request that the City Council review the participation and performance of any commissioner for any reason or no reason. If such concurrence is received, the commissioner's review will be placed on a subsequent City Council agenda.
(Ord. 1750, passed 4-15-20)