General Provisions
   118.01   Definitions
   118.02   Maintenance and inspection of vehicles
   118.03   Insurance required
   118.04   Scope and limits of insurance policy
   118.05   Cancellation of insurance policy
   118.06   Operation of vehicles while awaiting employment
   118.07   Refusal to carry passengers
Taxicab Stands
   118.20   Establishment and marking
   118.21   Consent of ground floor property owners and occupants required
   118.22   Contents of permit
   118.23   Use by unauthorized persons; no loitering near occupied stand
   118.24   Revocation
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity
   118.35   Required
   118.36   Application
   118.37   Hearing
   118.38   Publication of notice
   118.39   Investigation of necessity
   118.40   Issuance
   118.41   Retroactivity
   118.42   Prima facie evidence of public convenience and necessity
   118.43   Cancellation upon discontinuance of business
   118.44   Right to obtain new certificate upon sale and the like, of vehicles
   118.45   Issuance of new certificate upon transfer of ownership in company
   118.46   Suspension and revocation
   118.47   Grounds for denial of application and suspension or revocation
   118.48   Insurance coverage
   118.49   Bond required to insure installation and removal of bus stops
   118.50   Driver for passenger carriers
   118.51   City Manager to promulgate additional rules and regulations
Driver's Permit
   118.60   Required
   118.61   Application to be filed with Chief of Police; deposit to cover cost of badge; transferability of badge
   118.62   Qualifications for permit
   118.63   Fingerprinting of applicant; issuance of permit
   118.64   Posting and contents
   118.65   Effect of change in employment
   118.66   Period of validity; renewal
   118.67   Revocation; appeal; reinstatement
   118.80   Taximeters required; general meter requirements
   118.81   Flag to indicate when taxicab is in use
   118.82   Changes within city on meter basis
   118.83   Taximeter dial to be visible to passengers
   118.84   Rates
   118.85   Direct route to be used
   118.86   Receipt for fare
   118.87   Determination of fare disputes; failure to comply
   118.88   Failure to pay fare