(A)   Unpaved roads.
      (1)   Owners of private unpaved roads with average daily traffic levels between 20 and 150 vehicles must take measures (signage or speed control devices) to reduce vehicular speeds to no more than 15 miles per hour.
      (2)   Owners of a cumulative distance of six or less miles of private unpaved roads shall pave each segment having 150 or more average daily trips or, alternatively apply and maintain chemical dust suppressants in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for a travel surface and the performance standards included in § 95A.134(A)(4) in accordance with the following treatment schedule:
         (a)   One-third of qualifying unpaved road segments within one year of ordinance adoption; and
         (b)   Remainder of qualifying unpaved road segments within three years of ordinance adoption. (Note: treatments in excess of annual requirements can apply to future years.)
      (3)   Owners of a cumulative distance of more than six miles of private unpaved roads shall stabilize each segment having 150 or more average daily trips in accordance with the following treatment schedule:
         (a)   At least two miles paved or four miles stabilized with chemical dust suppressants in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for a travel surface and the performance standards established in § 440.4 within one year of the ordinance adoption; and
         (b)   At least two miles paved or four miles stabilized with chemical dust suppressants in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for a travel surface and the performance standards included in § 440.4 in accordance with the following treatment schedule annually thereafter until all qualifying unpaved roads have been stabilized. (Note: treatments in excess of annual requirements can apply to future years).
      (4)   Performance Standards and Test Methods: Owners of any private unpaved road shall not allow visible fugitive dust emissions to exceed 20% opacity, or extend more than 100 feet either horizontally or vertically from the origin of a source, and shall either:
         (a)   Not allow silt loading to be equal to or greater than 0.33 ounces per square foot; or
         (b)   Not allow the silt content to exceed six percent.
      (5)   Reporting/Recordkeeping: Within 90 days of ordinance adoption, owners of unpaved roads shall provide to the City and the AQMD the location and ADT estimates for all unpaved roads.
      (6)   Owners of unpaved roads that utilize chemical dust suppressants shall compile, and retain for a period of not less than three years, records indicating the type of product applied, vendor name, and the method, frequency, concentration, quantity and date(s) of application.
   (B)   Unpaved parking lots.
      (1)   Owners of parking lots established subsequent to ordinance adoption are required to pave such areas, or alternatively apply and maintain chemical dust suppressants in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for traffic areas and the performance standards included in § 95A.134(B)(4).
      (2)   Owners of existing private unpaved parking lots shall implement one of the following control strategies within 180 days of ordinance adoption:
         (a)   Pave; or
         (b)   Apply and maintain dust suppressants in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for traffic areas and the performance standards included in § 95A.134(B)(4);
         (c)   Apply and maintain washed gravel in accordance with the performance standards included in § 95A.134(B)(4).
      (3)   Owners of private temporary unpaved parking lots (those that are used 24 days or less per year) shall apply and maintain chemical dust suppressants in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for traffic areas and the performance standards included in § 95A.134(B)(4) prior to any 24-hour period when more than 40 vehicles are expected to enter and park. The owner of any temporary unpaved parking lot greater than 5,000 square feet shall implement the disturbed vacant land requirements contained in § 95A.133 during non-parking periods.
      (4)   Performance standards and test methods: The operator of any private unpaved parking lot shall not allow visible fugitive dust emissions to exceed 20 percent opacity, or extend more than 100 feet either horizontally or vertically from the origin of a source, and shall either:
         (a)   Not allow silt loading to be equal to or greater than 0.33 ounces per square foot; or
         (b)   Not allow the silt content to exceed eight percent.
      (5)   Reporting/recordkeeping: Within 90 days of ordinance adoption, owners of unpaved parking lots shall provide to the City and the AQMD the location and ADT estimates and the size (in square feet) of unpaved parking lots.
      (6)   Owners of unpaved parking lots that utilize chemical dust suppressants or apply gravel shall compile, and retain for a period of not less than three years, records indicating the type of product applied, vendor name, and the method, frequency, concentration, quantity and date(s) of application.
   (C)   Public or private paved roads.
      (1)   Any owner of paved roads shall construct, or require to be constructed all new or widened paved roads in accordance with the following standards:
         (a)   Curbing in accordance with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials guidelines or as an alternative, road shoulders paved or treated with chemical dust suppressants or washed gravel in accordance with the performance standards included in § 95A.134(B)(4) with the following minimum widths:
Average Daily Trips
Minimum Shoulder Width
500 - 3,000
4 feet
3,000 or greater
8 feet
         (b)   Paved medians or as an alternative, medians surrounded by curbing and treated with landscaping, chemical dust suppressants, or washed gravel applied and maintained in accordance with the performance standards included in § 95A.134(B)(4).
      (2)   Any owner of public or private paved roads shall remove or cause to be removed any erosion-caused deposits of greater than 2,500 square feet within 24-hours after receiving notice by the City or the AQMD or prior to resumption of traffic where the paved area has been closed to vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 1357, passed 12-3-03)