The Fee Administrator shall have the power and right to demand evidence of continued eligibility of a service user for exemption under the provisions of this section.
   (A)   The evidence may include, but need not be limited to, copies of business records, letters or statements from the Social Security Administration and state, county, city and private pension administrators or unemployment and welfare agencies and other evidence concerning the service user or other members of his or her household as may tend to prove or disprove that eligibility.
   (B)   Failure to provide that evidence as is within the control of a service user to so provide, either directly by him or by his or her consent or the consent of a member of his or her household when the evidence is requested of the service user, in writing by the Fee Administrator, shall be grounds for the immediate discontinuance of the service user's eligibility for exemption under the provisions of this chapter.
   (C)   Evidence provided to the Fee Administrator, at his or her request or voluntarily provided by the service user without the Fee Administrator's request, may not be used against the service user as evidence of violation of the provisions of this chapter. The evidence may only be used as grounds for termination of the exemption herein provided.
('61 Code, § 23B.30) (Ord. 920, passed - - )