(A)   Modifications to review standards and criteria. The MSD Chief Engineer, in consultation with other applicable reviewing agencies, shall have the authority to make modifications to applicable EPSC standards/design requirements and exemptions set forth in this chapter or the MSD Design Manual, Standard Specifications, and Standard Drawings to provide flexibility to deal with the unique characteristics of a site. Such modifications may be granted only upon a finding by the MSD Chief Engineer that the standards set forth in this section have been met.
   (B)   Modifications to controls. Changes to the location and placement of temporary non-structural or structural controls may be approved by the MSD Chief Engineer during construction plan review or, once construction has commenced, may be approved in the field by an inspector without the need for additional, formal review if the change is in accord with the MSD Design Manual, Standard Specifications, and Standard Drawings. However, changes to the location or placement of permanent structural controls shall necessitate formal review and approval by the MSD.
   (C)   Review standards for modifications. No modification shall be approved by the MSD unless all of the following standards have been met:
      (1)   The requested modification is consistent with the purposes of this chapter and will not have adverse effects on the effectiveness to the plan to adequately control erosion and sedimentation as required by this chapter;
      (2)   The requested modification eliminates an unnecessary burden on the permittee and is required to address some unusual aspect of the site or proposed development that is not shared by landowners in general; and
      (3)   Any potential adverse impacts resulting from the modification will be mitigated.
(Ord. 26, passed 9-25-2001)