The MSD shall review all EPSC plans for compliance with the following specific standards and review criteria.
   (A)   Sediment tracking control. Stabilized construction entrances shall be located and utilized at all points of ingress/egress on a construction site. The transfer of soil, mud, and dust onto public rights-of-way shall be minimized.
   (B)   Construction dewatering operations. Whenever construction dewatering operations are required on a site, they shall be conducted according to the specifications set forth in the MSD Design Manual, Standard Specifications, and Standard Drawings.
   (C)   Crossings of waterways. Crossing of waterways during construction shall be minimized and approved by the MSD. Encroachment into stream buffers, riparian areas, and wetlands shall be avoided.
   (D)   Topsoil. Topsoil shall be stockpiled and preserved from erosion or dispersal both during and after site grading operations.
   (E)   Temporary stabilization measures.
      (1)   Where construction or land disturbance activity will or has temporarily ceased on any portion of a site, temporary site stabilization measures shall be required as soon as practicable, but no later than 14 calendar days after the activity has ceased. Permanent or temporary stabilization shall be completed within:
         (a)   Fourteen calendar days for the surface of all perimeter dikes, ditches, swales, perimeter slopes, and all slopes greater than three horizontal to one vertical; or
         (b)   Fourteen calendar days as to all other disturbed or graded areas on the project site.
      (2)   The requirements of divisions (E)(1)(a) and (E)(1)(b) above do not apply to those areas which are shown on the plan and currently being used for material storage or for those areas on which construction activities are currently being performed or to prepared structural subgrades; provided, that structural EPSC measures remain in place.
   (F)   Final stabilization. Final stabilization of the site shall be required within 14 calendar days of construction completion,
   (G)   Temporary structural controls. Temporary structural controls installed during construction shall be designed to accomplish maximum stabilization and control of erosion and sedimentation, and shall be installed, maintained, and removed according to the specifications set forth in the MSD Design Manual, Standard Specifications, and Standard Drawings. All temporary structural controls shall function as designed when controlling the peak runoff resulting from the storm event identified in the MSD Design Manual, Standard Specifications, and Standard Drawings.
   (H)   Permanent structural controls. All permanent structural controls, including drainage facilities such as channels, storm sewer inlets, and detention basins, shall be designed according to the standards set forth in the MSD Design Manual, Standard Specifications, and Standard Drawings.
(Ord. 26, passed 9-25-2001)