This section sets forth the roles and powers that the MSD and various county agencies and bodies have in administering this EPSC chapter.
   (A)   MSD. The powers and functions of the MSD with respect to administering this chapter are as follows:
      (1)   Review and approve all EPSC plans and issue all requisite site disturbance permits authorized by this chapter;
      (2)   Negotiate the terms and conditions of all general permits authorized by this chapter in consultation with the DPDS and the City of Louisville;
      (3)   Perform pre-construction site meetings, construction inspections, and negotiated compliance efforts in the enforcement of this chapter; issue notices of violation and stop work orders;
      (4)   Develop an education and training program for contractors, inspection agency personnel, plan reviewers, and plan preparers and individuals seeking certification as CCRs;
      (5)   Prepare, implement, and revise methods, EPSC standards, and specifications for inclusion in the MSD Design Manual, Standard Specifications, and Standard Drawings; and
      (6)   Adopt, collect, and distribute permit fees for EPSC plan review and construction inspection activities.
   (B)   DPDS. The powers and functions of the DPDS with respect to administering this chapter are as follows:
      (1)   Upon referral from the MSD, review and comment upon detailed EPSC plans submitted concurrently with construction plans required under the Development Code;
      (2)   Participate with the MSD, as appropriate, in pre-construction site meetings required pursuant to this chapter, in order to coordinate compliance with other applicable Development Code standards and provisions;
      (3)   Through zoning enforcement, landscape, binding element, and/or environmental health and protection officers, perform inspections and negotiated compliance efforts in the enforcement of this chapter, including the necessary issuance of notices of violation and stop work orders, against the MSD; and
      (4)   Negotiate the terms and conditions of the MSD’s general permit and assist the MSD with negotiation of all other general permits authorized by this chapter.
   (C)   Jefferson County Division of Public Works and Transportation. The powers and function of the county’s Division of Public Works and Transportation with respect to administering this chapter are as follows:
      (1)   Upon referral from the MSD, review and comment upon detailed EPSC plans submitted concurrently with construction plans required under the Development Code; and
      (2)   Participate with the MSD, as appropriate, in pre-construction site meetings required pursuant to this chapter, in order to coordinate compliance with other applicable Development Code standards and provisions.
   (D)   City of Louisville Department of Public Works. The powers and functions of the City of Louisville Department of Public Works with respect to administering this chapter are as follows:
      (1)   Upon referral from the MSD, review and comment upon detailed EPSC plans submitted concurrently with construction plans required under the Development Code;
      (2)   Participate with the MSD, as appropriate, in pre-construction site meetings required pursuant to this chapter, in order to coordinate compliance with other applicable Development Code standards and provisions; and
      (3)   Assist the MSD with negotiation of general permits authorized by this chapter.
   (E)   County Building Code Enforcement Officers. The function of the county’s Building Code Officers with respect to this chapter consists of and is limited to, in the course of their normal inspection and enforcement duties, cursory observations of individual building sites related to the standards of this chapter and refer any observed violations to the MSD. This is not to be interpreted as an inspection with authority to act on any violations pertaining to this chapter.
   (F)   City of Louisville Department of Inspection, Permits, and Licenses. The function of the City of Louisville Department of Inspection Permits and Licenses with respect to this chapter consists of and is limited to, in the course of their normal inspection and enforcement duties, cursory observations of individual building sites related to the standards of this chapter and refer any observed violations to the MSD. This is not to be interpreted as an inspection with authority to act on any violations pertaining to this chapter.
   (G)   Other municipal code enforcement agencies located in the county. The function of other county’s code enforcement agencies or municipalities located in the county with respect to this chapter consists of and is limited to, in the course of their normal inspection and enforcement duties, cursory observations of individual building sites related to the standards of this chapter and refer any observed violations to the MSD. This is not to be interpreted as an inspection with authority to act on any violations pertaining to this chapter.
   (H)   EPSC Board. The powers and functions of the EPSC Board with respect to administering this chapter are to issue remedial orders and impose specified civil fines to enforce violations of this chapter.
(Ord. 26, passed 9-25-2001)