(A)   Prime or continuous engine generators. Prime or continuous engine generators that are intended or used to power a building and/or equipment all the time, for extended periods, or at any time other than during a commercial power outage are prohibited in the city.
   (B)   Portable engine generators.
      (1)   Portable generators used in standby generator systems shall comply with all applicable codes and requirements.
      (2)   Portable engine generators shall not be visible from the street or any neighboring properties except when being used during commercial power outages; or during routine maintenance and testing not to exceed a total of one hour per month, and only during daylight hours.
      (3)   The use of a portable engine generator does not require a permit except when permanent changes to the building wiring are made to facilitate connection to the building loads.
   (C)   Fixed standby engine generator systems.
      (1)   All installations shall be designed and installed by individuals with the proper certifications and licensing for such work, and must have the required installation permits from both Metro Louisville code enforcement and the city.
      (2)   Fixed standby engine generator systems shall be designed to minimize the emissions and noise imposed on surrounding properties.
      (3)   All components of such systems that are installed outdoors above ground shall be restricted to rear or side yards. Additionally, all such components shall be completely screened from all street views by legally allowed means such as fencing and/or landscaping.
      (4)   Fixed standby engine generator systems shall only be operated during commercial power outages; or during routine maintenance and testing not to exceed a total of one hour per month, and only during daylight hours.
(2008 Code, § 15.14.070) Penalty, see § 151.99