For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ACCESSORY STRUCTURE. A structure, the use of which is customarily incidental and subordinate to that of the principal building and is attached thereto or freestanding, and is located on the same lot or premises as the principal building.
   ALTERNATE ENERGY SYSTEM. An energy collection, conversion, and/or distribution system which derives energy on-site from a natural source such as the sun, the wind, or the earth’s interior. Also included are on-site systems which convert any delivered fuel into electricity.
   ENGINE GENERATORS. Generally consist of an engine driving an electrical generator. The engine may be of any type that runs on a fuel of any type, and drives an electrical generator to create electricity.
   FLUSH-MOUNTED SOLAR PANEL. Photovoltaic or thermal panels and tiles that are installed flush to the surface of a roof and which cannot be angled or raised.
   FREESTANDING OR GROUND-MOUNTED SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM. A solar energy system that is directly installed in or on the ground and is not attached or affixed to an existing structure.
   GEOTHERMAL ENERGY SYSTEM. One which extracts energy from the heat in the interior of the earth, and converts it to use in heating, cooling, and/or generating electricity.
   NET METERING. A billing arrangement that allows customers of the local utility who have alternate energy systems to get credit for excess electricity that they generate and deliver back to the grid so that they only pay for their net electricity usage.
   PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SYSTEMS. A solar energy system that produces electricity by the use of semiconductor devices, called PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS, which generate electricity whenever light strikes them.
   PRIME/CONTINUOUS ENGINE GENERATOR. Acts as a main source of power and are designed to operate continuously or for extended periods of time.
   QUALIFIED SOLAR INSTALLER. A person who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and operation of solar electrical equipment and installations and has received safety training on the hazards involved. Persons who are certified as a solar installer by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) shall be deemed to be QUALIFIED SOLAR INSTALLERS for the purposes of this definition. Persons who are not on NABCEP’s list of certified installers may be acceptable if such persons have had adequate training to determine the degree and extent of the hazard, and the personal protective equipment and job planning necessary to perform the installation safely. Such persons shall also hold all other applicable skills certifications and licensing as may be required for the work involved.
   REAR and/or SIDE YARD. Those areas which may be fenced per §§ 154.01 through 154.09.
   ROOFLINE. Any visual line created by the edge of a single roof plane, or the intersection of one or more roof planes. Examples include, but are not limited to, the peak of a roof, the side end or bottom edges of a roof, the intersection in a roof valley, or at a roof hip.
   ROOFTOP MOUNTED SOLAR SYSTEM. A solar power system in which solar panels are mounted on an existing roof either as a flush-mounted system or as modules fixed to frames which can be tilted toward the south.
   SOLAR ACCESS. Space open to the sun and clear of overhangs or shade so as to permit the use of active and/or passive solar energy systems on individual properties.
   SOLAR COLLECTOR. A solar photovoltaic cell, panel, or array, or solar hot air or water collector device, which relies upon solar radiation as an energy source for the generation of electricity or transfer of stored heat.
   SOLAR ENERGY EQUIPMENT/SYSTEM. Solar collectors, controls, energy storage devices, heat pumps, heat exchangers, and other materials, hardware, or equipment necessary to the process by which solar radiation is collected, converted into another form of energy, stored, protected from unnecessary dissipation, and distributed. Solar systems include solar thermal, photovoltaic, and concentrated solar.
   SOLAR PANEL. A device for the direct conversion of solar energy into electricity, or the capture of solar heat in a liquid.
   SOLAR STORAGE BATTERY. A device that stores energy from the sun in electrical form and makes it available for use when the sun’s energy is not available.
   SOLAR-THERMAL SYSTEMS. Directly heat water or other liquid using sunlight. The heated liquid is used for such purposes as space heating and cooling, domestic hot water, and heating pool water.
   STANDBY ENGINE GENERATOR SYSTEM. A standby generator is a back-up electrical system intended to provide on-site generated power when commercial power is unavailable. Such systems generally consist of an engine generator and a transfer switch which connects the generator power and commercial power to the building loads via interlocked switches which ensure the two sources cannot be connected together. The operation of this system may be automatic or manual.
   WIND POWER SYSTEM. A power system which collects kinetic energy from the wind by some manner of wind turbine which is turned by the force of the wind, and converts it to mechanical or electrical energy.
(2008 Code, § 15.14.010)