Section 7.7 Classification of Village Employees.
Council shall by ordinance establish rules and regulations governing the classified and nonclassified service requiring that all such appointments and promotions shall be made by the City Manager according to merit and fitness. Council shall issue by ordinance regulations to facilitate the administration of such rules and regulations. This section and the ordinances and regulations adopted pursuant hereto shall be exclusive as to the personnel and civil service of the Village and are intended to supersede any provision of state civil service law with which it may conflict.
Classified positions may be filled by appointment or promotion. Such classified positions shall be filled by a competitive examination, insofar as practicable, and when a vacancy occurs in such position, the Personnel Director, or the person holding such equivalent position as Council may from time-to-time establish by ordinance, shall notify the City Manager of that fact and the Personnel Director shall certify to the City Manager, for each such vacancy to be filled, the names and addresses of three candidates with the highest rating as established by the competitive examination and other criteria established by Council, and the City Manager may appoint or promote one of the persons so certified. This procedure is intended to supersede any state civil service statute with which it conflicts.