The Planning Commission shall not grant variations to the regulations of this chapter unless it shall make written findings of fact based upon the evidence presented by each specific case that:
   (A)   The particular physical surroundings, shape, or topographical condition of the specific property involved would cause undue hardship or exceptional
practical difficulty to the applicant, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience, or would conflict with the village's adopted land use plan, if the provisions of this chapter were strictly enforced;
   (B)   The conditions upon which the request for a variation is based are unusual to the property for which the variation is sought and are not applicable generally to other property;
   (C)   The purpose of the variation is not based exclusively upon a desire to obtain additional income from the property;
   (D)   The granting of the variation will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located;
   (E)   The special circumstances or conditions are created by the provisions or requirements of this chapter and have not resulted from any act of the applicant or applicant's predecessor in interest; and
   (F)   The variation requested is the minimum adjustment necessary for the reasonable use of the land.
(Ord. 25-89, passed 9-25-89)