The land use plan is adopted by resolution of the City Council. Together with the village's "Land Use Objectives and Policies" and the "Green Areas Study", it is intended to provide a coherent land use planning framework for the village's use in making land use decisions. The land use plan is advisory only. However, by adoption of this plan, it is the City Council's intent that the land use decision-making process shall include careful consideration of the extent to which proposed land use changes are consistent with the land use plan. The City Planning Commission shall consult the land use plan in determining whether or not to grant special exceptions to the zoning code and in making its findings of fact and recommendations to the City Council with respect to zoning amendments. It is also the intent of the City Council that the zoning code of the village, and any amendment to it, shall not be inconsistent with the village's land use plan.
('80 Code, § 155.08) (Res. 15-86, passed 6-16-86)