(A)   Notice of termination of service.  TERMINATION OF SERVICE shall be defined as a physical disconnection of service at the subscriber's residence or business. As described in § 111.39 of this subchapter, the operator may terminate service to any subscriber whose bill has not been paid after it becomes delinquent, so long as the operator gives proper notice to the subscriber as provided in this subchapter.
   (B)   Termination on Sundays, holidays or evenings. The operator shall not terminate service to subscribers at any time when the service centers are closed.
   (C)   Length of time to disconnection. If disconnection occurs at the subscriber's written or oral request, then, for billing purposes, it shall be deemed to have occurred three days after the operator receives the request for disconnection unless it in fact occurs earlier or the subscriber requests a longer period.
   (D)   Restoration of subscriber premises. The operator shall ensure that the subscriber's premises are reasonably restored to their original condition if damaged by the operator's employees or agents in any respect in connection with the installation, repair or disconnection of cable service.
   (E)   No fee for disconnection. The operator shall not charge any fee for disconnection. If, however, the subscriber pays the amount in arrears to the operator when the operator is on the subscriber's premises to disconnect service, then the operator may charge the subscriber a reasonable collection fee, provided that such subscriber is notified of such collection fee in the notice required by § 111.39 of this subchapter.
(Ord. 12-95, passed 6-19-95)