(A) There is created a Recreation Commission of the village.
(B) The Recreation Commission shall be composed of no less than eight members or more than 20 members who shall serve for terms of three years. Terms may be staggered at the discretion of Council. Any vacancy within a term may be filled by Council appointment for the unexpired portion of the term. There is no limit on the number of terms that a member may serve should the member be reappointed.
(C) The members shall be appointed by Council. The members of the Recreation Commission shall include a member of the Council, to be appointed by the Mayor. The Council Liaison shall serve a term co-extensive with such Council person's term on Council and have the same duties and privileges belonging to the other members of the Recreation Commission.
(D) Each member of the Recreation Commission shall be a resident of the village or the Indian Hill School District.
('80 Code, § 33.01)(Res. 14-74, passed 9-23-74; Am. Res. 9-75, passed 2-24-75; Am. Res. 3-76, passed --76; Am. Ord. 04-21, passed 4-19-21; Am. Ord. 06-23, passed 6-19-23)