In lieu of the construction bond required by § 52.310, the removal bond required by § 52.311 and the blanket bond required by § 52.312, those providers maintaining a book value in excess of $20,000,000 may submit a statement to the Public Works Superintendent requesting to self-bond. If approval to self-bond is granted, a provider shall assure the village that such self-bonding shall provide the village with no less protection and security than would have been afforded to the village by a third party surety providing provider with the types and amounts bonds detailed in the above named sections. This statement shall include:
(A) Audited financial statements for the previous year;
(B) A description of the applicant's self-bonding program; and,
(C) Other applicable and pertinent information as reasonably requested by the Public Works Superintendent.
(Ord. 03-02, passed 2-25-02; Am. Ord. 06-18, passed 9-24-18)