As compensation for the village's costs to administer this chapter and the rights-of-way and for each certificate of registration issued pursuant to this chapter, every provider or any person operating a system shall annually pay to the village registration maintenance fees determined as follows:
   (A)   Providers utilizing less than ten miles of the rights-of-way within the village shall pay a fee of $2,000 per year.
   (B)   Providers utilizing equal to or greater than ten miles of the rights-of-way within the village shall pay a fee of $4,000 per year.
   (C)   Cable companies operating under non-exclusive franchises that are compensating the village under other mechanisms and any person that possesses a service agreement shall not be required to contribute to the recovery of rights-of- way costs as defined by this chapter with the exception of permit fees. Such non-contribution to the recovery of rights-of-way costs shall be limited to the specific purpose and term provided for in the person's non-exclusive franchise or service agreement.
(Ord. 03-02, passed 2-25-02; Am. Ord. 06-18, passed 9-24-18)