Accounts unpaid on the date indicated on the bill shall be considered as delinquent, and a notice of delinquency shall thereupon be mailed. If the account is unpaid on the date shown on the delinquent notice, it shall be placed in the hands of a turnkey for collection. When the turnkey cannot make collection, the water shall be shut off. If a delinquent account remains unpaid the city reserves the right under the law, to certify same to the Hamilton County Auditor by a certificate signed by the Finance Director. The County Auditor shall then place the amount certified by signed certificate on the appropriate tax duplicate with interest and penalties allowed by law, including the applicable assessment fee. The same shall be collected as all other taxes and shall be considered as a lien upon the real property.
('80 Code, § 52.38) (Ord. 5-49, passed 3-29-49; Am. Ord. 18-17, passed 12-18-17)