(A)   Where water is required for a temporary use in connection with the construction of a building or of a highway, or other construction, or for other temporary operations, on premises not supplied or not sufficiently supplied with metered water, application shall be made to the Department for a special permit. The permit may be granted upon such conditions as the Superintendent may determine.
   (B)   At the Superintendent's discretion, the Superintendent shall be authorized to require the use of a special meter to register water consumed; the meter in such case shall be furnished by the Department upon payment of $100, to be returned to the permittee following the meter's usage provided the meter and appurtenances are not damaged during their usage. Water shall be paid for on the basis of metered rates according to the actual or estimated amount used, in addition to an administrative fee of $30.
('80 Code, § 52.20) (Am. Ord. 9-96, passed 4-22-96)