The Superintendent of the Department of Water Works shall cause water to be furnished free of charge to the Water Tower located at 5535 Miami, Camp Dennison Park; Camp Stepping Stones; Rheinstrom Park; the Rowe Arboretum; the Livingston Lodge; and fountain associated therewith; the Historical Society; the Village Service Department, the Ranger Lodge, the Village Shooting Range, and any other structure or fountain located on 7100 Glendale-Milford Road; a sprinkler located at 6525 Drake Road; the Buckingham Lodge; the Boy Scout Camp located at 7940 Shawnee Run; the Waldschmidt House located on Glendale-Milford Road; the Stephan Ball Fields, the fountains and lake associated therewith, located at Drake and Shawnee Run; the Bird Sanctuary located at Drake and Shawnee Run; the Clippinger Woods Trough; the Kugler Mill Road soccer fields, the Camp Livingston restrooms, and the Grand Valley Preserve.
(Ord. 12-99, passed 6-21-99; Am. Ord. 13-08, passed 9-29-08)