(A) The Indian Hill Water Works shall conform to this rules of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Chapter 3745-97 of the Ohio Administrative Code, which shall be a part of this chapter herein by reference.
(B) A backflow prevention device shall be installed on all new water services prior to any point of connection or usage. A backflow prevention device shall be installed on existing water services as determined necessary by the Water Works Superintendent. The user shall, at his/her own expense, install such an approved device at a location and in a manner approved by the Water Works Superintendent or his/her agent, and shall have inspections and tests made of such approved devices as required by the Water Works Superintendent.
(C) The Water Works Superintendent shall cause surveys and investigations to be made on properties served by the Water Works where actual or potential hazards to the public water supply exist. Such surveys and investigations shall be repeated as often as the Water Works Superintendent shall deem necessary.
(D) All backflow prevention devices shall be approved by the Water Works Superintendent and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(E) Any property in violation of backflow prevention and cross-connection control regulations shall be subject to discontinuance of service by the Water Works Superintendent. Service shall not be restored until conditions conforms to regulations.
(F) For all residential units, five-family or less, a dual check valve backflow prevention device, ASSE Standard 1024, shall be required, unless otherwise specified by the Water Works Superintendent.
(G) For all non-residential commercial users, and for residential units greater than five-family, a double check valve backflow prevention device, ASSE Standard 1015, shall be required, unless otherwise specified by the Water Works Superintendent.
(Ord. 06-98, passed 6-29-98)