(A)   It shall be unlawful to deposit filth or any deleterious substance or commit any damage or nuisance of any kind upon the grounds set apart for the use of the water works or any part or portion of the water works system.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person to waste water by leaving open a hydrant or faucet connected to the water works system and to allow water to flow from same when such water is not being used.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful for any person not theretofore authorized by the superintendent, or other proper officer of the village, to open any street, lane, or road or other public way for purpose of taking water, or to tap any pipes, or to abuse any property, or to make attachments to any water pipes belonging to the village.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any person not theretofore authorized by the superintendent to tamper with or to do harm to or to attempt to do so, any portion of the water works system or to any part of the water works system upon the premises of private owners unless authorized by the owner.
   (E)   If shall be unlawful for any person, other than an employee of the village to use a fire plug on the water system, or to use thereon any wrench or tool other than a regulation fire department spanner, except in case of emergency, without first having secured from the superintendent a license for such use.
   (F)   If shall be unlawful for anyone other than an authorized employee of the department to remove a meter without the permission of the superintendent. When a meter has been unlawfully removed, it shall be unlawful to use water supplied by the service branch to which the meter was attached. Where a meter is found to have been unlawfully removed, the water shall be shut off forthwith and not turned on again until payment has been made for the estimated amount of the water used in addition to any fine that may be imposed.
('80 Code, § 52.40) (Ord. 5-49, passed 3-29-49) Penalty, see § 51.99