Any violation of this section shall be punished as a Class 1 misdemeanor with a right of appeal pursuant to VA Code § 16.1-106.
(1996 Code, § 63-2)
(Ord. passed 1-12-2012) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of the town to possess any alcoholic beverage or liquor which does not bear a stamp or mark indicating that all applicable state and/or federal taxes have been paid, or for any person to possess within the town any marijuana or other harmful drug or substance unless otherwise authorized by law.
(1996 Code, § 63-3)
(B) A violation of this section shall be punishable as provided in § 10.99.
(1996 Code, § 63-4)
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to appear in a public place under the influence of alcohol or any intoxicant or self-administered drug within the jurisdiction of the town.
(1996 Code, § 63-5)
(B) A violation of this section shall be punishable as provided in § 10.99.
(1996 Code, § 63-6)
Penalty, see § 10.99