It shall be unlawful for any person, or entity, to park or leave any vehicle or other thing that may be a nuisance, obstruction, or hindrance, in any area designated as a City Park, or parking facility thereof, unless;
   (A)   The person or entity is lawfully utilizing the park, or park facilities;
   (B)   It is between one half (1/2) hour before sunrise and one half (1/2) hour after sunset;
   (C)   The vehicle or other thing is parked as directed by, and in accordance with, posted signage and markings; and
   (D)   The vehicle or other thing is also in compliance with all other city ordinances and state statutes.
(Ord. 1997-0-02, passed 1-28-97) Penalty, see § 94.99
   Nuisances, see Chapter 93