(A)   Requirement. Sidewalks or bikepaths shall be required on both sides of all streets and roads.
   (B)   Through-block Connectors. Pedestrian through-block connectors may be required in the middle of any block over 1350 feet in length to obtain satisfactory pedestrian circulation within the subdivision, to provide access to parks or open space, to provide links with an adjacent subdivision, or to provide access to an activity center. Where such pedestrian through-block connectors are required, an easement at least twenty (20) feet wide shall be provided. The City may require placement of a fence along the easement to ensure the location is visible and to protect the adjacent property owners, Pedestrian through-block connectors shall be paved in accordance with the specifications of the City Engineer, gravel paths or wooden boardwalks may be permitted in areas with sensitive environmental features.
   (C)   Setback. Any yard which abuts a pedestrian easement shall provide the required minimum building setback, as applicable, from the easement.
   (D)   Bikepaths. The City Commission, based upon a recommendation of the Planning Commission, may require bike path be provided from a subdivision where it abuts a Major Thorofare. The City may also require a bike path to provide access from within the subdivision to existing or proposed bikepaths outside the subdivision, or to schools, parks, commercial areas and public institutions.
   (E)   Sidewalk Specifications. All sidewalks shall be a minimum five (5) feet wide and constructed to the specifications of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
   (F)   Bike Path Specifications. Bikepaths shall be at least eight (8) feet wide and constructed in accordance with the specifications of the AASHTO.
   (G)   Grades. Grades shall be clearly illustrated on the plans to insure proper connection to sidewalks and bikepaths on adjacent lands.
   (H)   Placement. Sidewalks and bikepaths shall be installed by the developer within the dedicated street right-of-way, private road access easements or special easement where grades or other factors prevent placement within the right-of-way or access easement.
   (I)   Crosswalks. Crosswalk pavement markings and signs may be required by the city. Crosswalks shall be in accordance with the requirements of the City.
(Ord. 152, passed 1-19-99)