§ 152.42 LOTS.
   Lots within subdivisions shall conform to the following standards:
   (A)   General lot arrangement.
      (1)   Through lots (lots with frontage on two parallel streets) are prohibited, except in the case of a reverse frontage lot that abuts a major thorofare where access to such major thoroughfare is prohibited.
      (2)   Lots facing a three-way intersection should be aligned to prevent on-coming headlight glare into the living area of the building envelope.
      (3)   Blocks shall be so designed as to provide two (2) tiers of back-to-back lots, except where lots back onto a major thoroughfare, railroad, natural feature or subdivision boundary.
      (4)   Corner lots shall have access to the lesser traveled roadway.
      (5)   If the plat extends into an adjacent community, boundaries for individual lots shall be within one community to the extent feasible. In no case shall a building envelope result in a situation where a home crosses a community or school district boundary.
      (6)   If the subdivision includes any outlots or excepted parcels, an illustration shall be provided to demonstrate that the remaining land can be used or subdivided in conformance with City standards.
   (B)   Sizes and Shapes.
      (1)   The lot size, width, depth and shape in any subdivision proposed for residential uses shall be appropriate for the location and the type of development contemplated.
      (2)   Lot areas and widths shall conform to at least the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for the district in which the subdivision is proposed.
      (3)   Width Related To Length: Narrow deep lots shall be avoided. The depth of a lot generally shall not exceed four (4) times the width as measured at the building line.
      (4)   Building setback lines shall conform to at least the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Staggered building lines are encouraged.
      (5)   Areas of the subdivision plat that contain ponds, lakes, or similar bodies of water shall be recorded as acreage, but shall not be platted as subdivision lots nor calculated as a portion of the minimum lot area as required by the Zoning Ordinance. This provision shall not apply to artificial ponds or pools created on a lot after final plat approval.
      (6)   Comer lots in residential subdivisions shall be platted at least ten (10) feet wider than the minimum width permitted by the Zoning Ordinance.
      (7)   Lots shalt be of sufficient size and proportion to accommodate at least the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for the district in which the subdivision is located.
      (8)   Lots intended for purposes other than residential use shall be specifically designed for such purposes, and shall have adequate provision for off-street parking, off-street loading and other requirements in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance.
      (9)   Lots which abut an active rail line shall have minimum depth of two hundred fifty (250) feet to provide a minimum seventy five (75) foot setback from the railroad right-of-way line.
      (10)   Uninhabitable Area: Lands subject to flooding or otherwise deemed by the Planning Commission to be uninhabitable shall not be platted for residential purposes, or for uses that may in the judgment of the Planning Commission increase the danger to health, life, or property, or increase the flood hazard. Such land within a subdivision shall be set aside for other uses, such as parks or other open space.
      (11)   Back-Up Lots: Lots shall not back into such features as freeways, arterial streets, shopping centers, or industrial properties, except where there is a marginal access street, unless a secondary access is provided. Such lots shall contain a landscaped easement along the rear at least twenty (20) feet wide in addition to the utility easement to restrict access to the arterial street to minimize noise and to protect outdoor living areas. Lots extending through a block and having frontage on two (2) local streets shall be prohibited.
      (12)   Future Arrangements: Where parcels of land are subdivided into unusually large lots (such as when large lots are required for septic tank operations), the parcels shall be divided, where feasible, so as to allow for resubdividing into smaller parcels in a logical fashion. Lot arrangements shall allow for the ultimate extension of adjacent streets through the middle of wide blocks. Whenever such future re-dividing or lot splitting is contemplated the plan for such shall be approved by the Planning Commission, or its designee prior to the taking of such actions.
   (C)   Arrangement.
      (1)   Every lot shall front on, and have direct access to, a public street approved by City, with vehicular access only to a minor street. In addition, the driveways for all corner lots shall access the most interior, or less traveled, street within the subdivision.
      (2)   Side lot lines shall generally be at right angles or radial to the street centerlines. This requirement shall not apply where such lot lines would create irregularly shaped lots which would unreasonably limit construction, or where adjustments to the standard lot configuration would protect regulated wetlands or preserve other natural features, such as topography. Dogleg side lot lines shall be avoided.
      (3)   Residential lots abutting major thorofares shall be platted so that the driveways shall access the interior road network.
      (4)   Lots shall have a front-to-front relationship across all streets where possible.
(Ord. 152, passed 1-19-99)