§ 152.40 STREETS.
   Streets shall conform to at least all minimum requirements of the general specifications and typical cross-sections as set forth in this Design Standards section of this chapter, and other conditions set forth by the City Commission.
   (A)   Location and Arrangements.
      (1)   The proposed subdivision shall conform to the various elements of the Master Plan and shalt be considered in relation to the existing and planned major thorofares and secondary streets, and such part shall be platted in the location and the width indicated on such plan.
      (2)   The arrangement of streets shall provide for the continuation of existing streets from adjoining areas into new subdivisions, unless other-wise approved by the City Commission, following a recommendation by the Planning Commission, due to documented environmentally sensitive features, unusual lot configuration or unique site conditions. Where adjoining vacant areas are zoned or planned for development similar to the proposed subdivision, streets shall be extended to the boundary line of the tract to make provision for the future street connections. The proprietor shall demonstrate that the proposed stub street is in a reasonable location for extension into the adjacent lands, in consideration of such factors as grades, water bodies, wetlands and lot configuration.
      (3)   Streets shall be aligned to maximize the preservation of natural features and existing grades to the extent feasible. Streets should follow natural topography to minimize grading.
      (4)   The proposed subdivision street layout shall discourage use by through traffic, except where a continuation of streets to adjoining properties is deemed desirable by the city. In determining the need for such connections, the City shall consider the need for adequate access and response time for emergency vehicles, the impacts such connections may have on reducing congestion along arterials, the projected traffic volumes and the compatibility with adjacent developments.
      (5)   Should a proposed subdivision border on or contain an existing or proposed major thorofare or collector, the Planning Commission may require marginal access streets, reverse frontage with an approved screen planting contained in a non-access reservation along the rear property line having a minimum width of fifteen (15) feet, or such other treatment as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation and reduction of traffic hazards. Vehicular driveway access shall be to a minor street.
      (6) Should a proposed subdivision border on or contain a railroad, expressway, or other limited access highway 9 right-of-way, the Planning Commission may require the location of a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way at a distance suitable for the development of an appropriate use of the intervening land as for parks in residential districts. Such distances shall be determined with due consideration of the minimum distance required for approach grades to future grade separation.
      (7)   Half streets shall be prohibited, except where the parcel is adjacent to another platted and dedicated half street or when a contemporaneous development proposal includes the required adjacent half street. Wherever there exists-adjacent to the tract to be subdivided, a dedication or platted and recorded half street; the other half shall be platted.
      (8)   Private Streets: Private streets and roads shall generally be prohibited.
      (9)   Where a subdivision incorporates existing public streets or private roads which are not in conformance with current standards, such facilities shall be reconstructed as necessary to improve the road to the extent required by the City for public roads.
   (B)   Specifications:
      (1)   Street Rights-of-way Widths: Street road right-of-way widths shall conform to the following table.
a. Major Thorofare
120 feet in conformance with Major Thorofare Plan of the city
b. Collector Streets (Secondary Thorofares)
66 through 86 feet
c. Industrial collector streets
86 feet
d. Industrial service streets
60 feet
e. Multiple-family residential streets where platted
60 feet
f. Minor Streets (Single-Family Residential)
60 feet
g. Marginal Access Streets
34 feet
h. Turn-around (Loop) street
110 feet
I. Alley
33 feet
j. Cul-de-sac Street/Turn-arounds
(1) Industrial
75 foot radius*
(2) Residential and Other
60 foot radius*
*Length for cul-de-sac streets shall not exceed 600 feet.
      (2)   Roadway Widths: Street roadway widths shall conform to the following table.
a. Major Thorofare
In conformance with the Major Thorofare Plan of the city
b. Collector streets
30 feet
c. Industrial collector streets
30 feet
d. Industrial service streets
30 feet
e. Multiple-family residential streets where platted
30 feet
f. Minor Streets (Single-Family Residential)
27 feet
g. Marginal Access Streets
24 feet
h. Turn-around (Loop) Street
24 feet
I. Alley
20 feet
j. Cul-de-sac Streets Turn-arounds
(1) Industrial
54 foot radius with curb and gutter
(2) Residential and Others
45 foot radius with curb and gutter
*measured from face of curb to face of curb
      (3)   Street Geometrics: Standards for maximum and minimum street grades, vertical and horizontal street curves and sight distances shall be established by resolution of the City Commission, after review and approval by the City Engineer.
   (C)   Intersections
      (1)   Angle of Intersection: Streets shall intersect at ninety (90) degrees or closer, thereto and in no case at less than eighty (80) degrees.
      (2)   Site Triangles: Minimum clear sight distance at all street intersections and street junctions shall permit vehicles to be visible to the driver of another vehicle when each is one hundred twenty-five (125) feet from the center of the intersection, and within which area no obstruction to vision, excluding existing topography, shall be permitted from a height of two (2) feet to eight (8) feet above centerline elevation of abutting streets, except that not more than (1) tree with a trunk of not more than thirty (30) inches in diameter, and clear of any branches for such heights may be located within such area, provided, however, that this section shall not prohibit the requirements of a greater clear vision zoning where such is necessary in view of permitted traffic turning moments, existing and anticipated traffic volumes, traffic speeds, intersection configurations, geographic and topographic conditions, or any other unique characteristics which may require a greater clear vision zone. The area of the clear vision zone shall be shown as an easement on the plat.
      (3)   Number of Streets: No more than two (2) streets shall cross at any one intersection.
      (4)   "T" Intersections: Except on arterials and certain collectors, "T" type intersections shall be used where practical.
      (5)   Centerline Offsets: Slight jogs at intersections shall be avoided. Where such jobs are unavoidable, street centerlines shall be offset by a distance of one hundred twenty-five (125) feet or more.
      (6)   Vertical Alignment of Intersection: A nearly flat grade with appropriate drainage slopes is desirable within intersections. This flat section shall be carried back fifty (50) feet to one hundred (100) feet each way from the intersection. An allowance of 2 percent maximum intersection grade in rolling and four (4) percent in hilly terrain will be permitted.
      (7)   Acceleration-deceleration lanes: Streets that intersect with major or secondary thoroughfares shall be provided with paved acceleration and deceleration lanes and passing lanes on both sides of the thorofare. The lanes shall be provided in keeping with the standards approved by the City Commission for this type of improvement.
   (D)   Signs and Signalization. The developer shall be responsible for placement of street name signs at all street intersections in accordance with the requirements of the city. Where roads are proposed to be dedicated to the city, the City may install the signs at the developer's expense. The developer shall also be responsible for placement of pavement markings and regulatory street signs (such as no parking signs, stop or yield signs, speed limit signs, and warning signs) as requested by the City or the MDOT. All regulatory signs shall be in conformance with the Michigan Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The developer shall be responsible for placement of traffic signalization, as required by the city.
   (E)   Phasing. Each phase of the plat shall be designed to meet the street requirements above, regardless of whether future phases are constructed.
   (F)   Street Names: Street names shall not duplicate any existing street name in Imlay City and Lapeer County, except where a new street is a continuations of an existing street.
      (1)   Street names that may be spelled differently but sound the same shall be avoided.
      (2)   Duplications can be avoided by checking new street names with the Planning Commission's master listing and the City.
(Ord. 152, passed 1-19-99)