§ 152.33 TENTATIVE PRELIMINARY PLAT (Stage 1)(mandatory).
   Tentative Approval under this section shall confer upon the proprietor, for a period (1) year from approval date, the rights granted under Section 112 of the Land Division Act.
   (A)   Submittal: The proprietor shall file ten (10) copies of the Preliminary Plat and other data to the City Clerk at least four-teen (14) days before a meeting of the Planning Commission. The date the proprietor submits the application, plat and fee shall be considered the filing date. Copies shall be distributed by the City Clerk to:
      (1)   Planning Commissioners.
      (2)   City Zoning Administrator.
      (3)   City Engineer.
      (4)   City Planner.
   (B)   Review Procedures: The following review procedures shall be utilized.
      (1)   The City Clerk shall refer the Preliminary Plat to the City Zoning Administrator for placement on the agenda at least fourteen (14) days prior to the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission in order to be placed on the Agenda.
      (2)   The Planning Commission shall review the tentative Preliminary Plat and the comments of the City Planner and Engineer and, finding all conditions to. have been satisfactorily met, shall recommend tentative approval of the Preliminary Plat under Section 112 (4) of the Land Division Act before distribution to other approving authorities.
      (3)   If the Preliminary Plat does not meet all requirements, the Planning Commission shall notify the proprietor of this fact by letter, giving its reason and the earliest date for re-submission of the plat and additional information required. The City Commission shall receive a report of the findings by the Planning Commission and its recommendation for disapproval.
      (4)   The Planning Commission shall give its report to the City Commission after conducting a public hearing thereon and not more than sixty-three (63) days after submission of the Preliminary Plat. The sixty-three (63) day period may be extended if the applicant consents. If no action is taken within sixty-three (63) days, the Preliminary Plat shall be deemed to have been recommended for approval by the Planning Commission.
      (5)   The City Commission, at its next regular meeting after receiving the recommendation from the Planning Commission, shall review said Preliminary Plat and within forty-five (45) days of filing, shall tentatively approve the Preliminary Plat or disapprove said Plat. The City Commission shall record their approval on the Plat and return one (1) copy to the proprietor or set forth in writing its reasons for rejection and requirements for tentative approval.
      (6)   Tentative approval shall not constitute final approval of the Preliminary Plat.
(Ord. 152, passed 1-19-99; Am. Ord. 152, passed 3-17-09)