The proprietor may meet informally with the City Departments concerned to investigate the procedures and standards of the City with reference to this Subdivision Regulations Ordinance and with the proposals of the Master Plan as they affect the area in which the proposed subdivision is located. The proprietor should concern himself with the following factors:
(A) The proprietor shall secure a copy of the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, engineering specifications, and other similar ordinances or controls relative to the subdivision and improvement of land so as to make himself aware of the requirements of the city.
(B) The area for the proposed subdivision shall be properly zoned for the intended use before preliminary plat application is made.
(C) An investigation of adequacy of existing schools and the adequacy of public open spaces including parks and playgrounds to serve the proposed subdivision shall be made by the proprietor.
(D) The relationship of the proposed subdivision with respect to major thorofares and plans for widening of thorofares shall be investigated by the proprietor.
(E) Standards for sewage disposal, water supply and drainage of the city shall be investigated by the proprietor.
(Ord. 152, passed 1-19-99)
The following information is required to be provided on each plat submittal to the city:
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS | sketch /pre- prelim. | tent. prelim . plat | final prelim. plat
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS | sketch /pre- prelim. | tent. prelim . plat | final prelim. plat
Proposed name of subdivision | |||
Name(s) and address of the proprietor and the owner of record of the land to be subdivided. The proprietor shall indicate interest in the land as to whether it is a land contract interest, or ownership of the property in fee simple. | |||
Names, address and professional seals of the designer, engineer or land surveyor who designed the subdivision layout. | |||
Location by Section, Town and Range, or by other legal description. | |||
Scale of plat, 1" = 100' as minimum acceptable scale. | |||
Date, revision dates, and north arrow. | |||
An overall area map at a scale of not less than 1 2,000' showing the relationship of the subdivision to its surroundings such as section lines and/or major streets or collector streets shall be provided. | |||
Property lines of adjacent tracts within 200 feet of subdivided and unsubdivided land shown in relation to the tract being proposed for subdivision including those of areas across abutting road with those unplatted landowners being designated by name. | |||
Boundary lines with dimensions for the subdivision. If plat is to be done in phases, the boundaries and dimensions for each phase shall be indicated. All phases shall be numbered in the order in which they are intended to be platted. An estimated time frame for platting of each phase shall also be provided. | |||
City boundary lines if in or within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed plat. | |||
Location, widths, and names of existing or prior platted streets and private streets, and public easements within or adjacent to the tract being proposed for subdivision, including those located across abutting roads. | |||
Zoning district classification for all land parcels within and adjacent to the plat. | |||
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS | sketch /pre- prelim. | tent. prelim . plat | final prelim. plat
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS | sketch /pre- prelim. | tent. prelim . plat | final prelim. plat
Existing buildings or other structures in or within one hundred (100) feet of the proposed subdivision plat. | |||
A written subdivision site report that includes soil boring logs and water table information. Additional borings may be required by the City Engineer. | |||
Layout, numbers, dimensions, and lot areas in square feet, including building setback lines showing dimensions. | |||
Indication of parcels of land intended to be dedicated or set aside for public use or for the use of property owners in the subdivision. | |||
An indication of the ownership, and existing and proposed use of any parcels identified as "excepted" on the preliminary plat. If the proprietor has an interest or owns any parcel so identified as "excepted", the preliminary plat shall indicate how this property could be developed in accordance with the requirements of the existing zoning district in which it is located and with an acceptable relationship to the layout of the proposed preliminary plat. | |||
In the case where the proprietor wishes to subdivide a given area, but wishes to begin with only a portion of the total area, the preliminary plat shall include the proposed general layout for the entire area. The part which is proposed to be subdivided first shall be clearly superimposed upon the overall plan in order to illustrate clearly the method of development which the proprietor intends to follow. Each subsequent plat shall follow the same procedure until the entire area controlled by the proprietor is subdivided. | |||
Spot elevations of the proposed grading and roadwork. | |||
Topography drawn as contours at an interval of not less than two (2) feet for the Subject site and a general description of topography within one hundred (100) feet of the plat. Topography shall be based on U.S.C. and G.S. Datum. Existing and proposed topography lines shall be shown in a manner which is easily distinguishable. | |||
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS | sketch /pre- prelim. | tent. prelim . plat | final prelim. plat
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS | sketch /pre- prelim. | tent. prelim . plat | final prelim. plat
Boundaries of regulated floodplain or wetlands, with documentation and credentials supporting that the boundary was determined by a qualified firm or individual. | general | ||
Location of individual trees greater than 8 inch d.b.h. and the canopy outline of dense groupings of trees. | general | ||
Location and elevation of any floodplain areas. | general | ||
Traffic Impact Study | |||
Name, location, and right-of-way widths of existing or proposed public or private streets in or within two hundred fifty (250) feet of the proposed plat. | |||
Method of connection with adjoining street system. | |||
General layout of proposed streets. | |||
Details on street design including curve radii, rights-of-way, cross sections, gradient, street signs, traffic control devises, traffic signals, etc. | |||
Names of proposed streets | |||
Street Lighting: the location for any street lights shall be shown. A diagram of a typical street light planned to be installed in the plat shall be provided. | |||
Location of school bus stops and documentation from the school district. | |||
Locations of proposed sidewalks, bike paths and similar facilities. | |||
Details on the width, materials, grades, etc. of pedestrian facilities | |||
A general conceptual landscape plan illustrating buffer zones and greenbelts | general | ||
Location and details of street trees, buffer zones and greenbelts including plant lists. | |||
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS | sketch /pre- prelim. | tent. prelim . plat | final prelim. plat
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS | sketch /pre- prelim. | tent. prelim . plat | final prelim. plat
Entry Features: A detailed drawing to scale of any proposed entrance features including dimensions of boulevards, walls, landscaping signs or lighting. | |||
Indication of parcels of land intended to be dedicated or set aside for public use or for the use of property owners in the subdivision. | general | ||
Documentation of dedication or reservation. | |||
Existing or proposed easements in or within one hundred (100) feet of the proposed plat. Information should include the width and purpose for all easements. | |||
General layout of water and sanitary sewer lines. | |||
Sewage disposal: Location, size material and slope of sewer lines, or location of septic fields, for sewage disposal by a method approved by the Lapeer County Health Department or the Michigan Dept. of Public Health (MDPH) and the City Commission. Utility information shall be shown for the plat and for a distance two hundred (200) feet outside of the plat. | |||
Water system: Location, material and sizes of lines and the location of fire hydrants, or location of wells for proposed water supply by a method approved by the Lapeer County Health Department or the MDPH and the City Commission. Utility information shall be shown for the plat and for a distance two hundred (200) feet outside of the plat. | |||
Location, sizes and other information on underground utilities such as electricity present and other proposed utilities. Utility information shall be shown for the plat and for a distance two hundred (200) feet outside of the plat. | |||
General plans for stormwater, including the location of detention basin and the route of the runoff from the site to the nearest drainage course. | |||
SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS | sketch /pre- prelim. | tent. prelim . plat | final prelim. plat
Drainage: An indication of storm drainage proposed by methods acceptable to the City and/or the LCDC. Detailed information shall be provided including location, size, material and slope of storm sewer lines. Stormwater runoff, pipe and detention pond calculations shall be provided to analyze the adequacy of proposed drainage facilities. | |||
Declaration of Restrictions. | |||
Proposed location of mail box clusters (if required). | |||
Details on mail box cluster design and letter from Post Office. |
(Ord. 152, passed 1-19-99)
Acceptance of the sketch plan does not assure acceptance of the preliminary plat.
(A) Submittal: The proprietor shall file two (2) copies of the sketch plan and other data to the City Clerk at least ten (10) days before a meeting of the Planning Commission. The date of the Planning Commission meeting shall be considered the filing date. Copies shall be distributed by the City Clerk to:
(1) Planning Commission.
(2) City Zoning Administrator.
(B) Review Procedure:
(1) The subdivider shall submit two (2) copies of the pre-preliminary plat to the City Clerk ten (10) days before the next meeting of the Planning Commission.
(2) The City Clerk shall promptly transmit the two (2) copies of the pre-preliminary plat to the Planning Commission.
(3) The Planning Commission will review the plan with the subdivider or his agent. The Planning Commission may also require that copies of the pre-preliminary plat be submitted to other affected public agencies for review.
(4) The Planning Commission shall inform the subdivider or his agent of the city's development policies and make appropriate comments and suggestions concerning the proposed development scheme.
(5) The Planning Commission shall inform the City Commission of the results of the review of the pre-preliminary plat.
Pre-preliminary plat review is an aid to the developer and to the city. Under this procedure, a developer is provided with the opportunity to obtain the advice and assistance of the City Planner and Engineer and the many agencies involved in subdividing, before preparation of the preliminary plat and its submission for approval.
Nothing in this section shall be so construed as to require any pre-application contact. Any subdivider may elect to begin the subdivision procedure by submitting a preliminary plat for tentative approval, as set forth below.
(Ord. 152, passed 1-19-99)