Section 5.4 Vacancies in Office:
   The office of any Commissioner including the Mayor shall be declared vacant by the Commission before the expiration of the term of such office;
   (a)   For any reason specified by statute or by this charter as creating a vacancy in office;
   (b)   If no person is elected to, or qualifies for, the office at the election at which such office is to be filled;
   (c)   If he shall be found guilty by a competent tribunal of any act constituting misconduct in office under the provisions of this charter;
   (d)   If he shall miss four consecutive regular meetings of the Commission or twenty-five per cent of such meetings in any fiscal year of the city unless such absence shall be excused by the commission and the reason therefor entered in its proceedings at the time of the absence;
   (e)   If he is removed from office by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.5.
   The office of any member of any board or commission created by this charter shall be declared vacant for reasons (a), (c), or (e) as listed in the foregoing part of this section.