(A)   The City Manager and his subordinates, the Health Officer, the Chief of Police and his subordinates are hereby authorized and empowered to abate or destroy any public nuisance in any manner allowed or permitted by law, and in addition, the continuance of any such nuisance may be enjoined at the suit of the city by any court of competent jurisdiction.
   (B)   Any expense incurred by the city in the abatement or removal of any nuisance as a result of the failure of any person, firm, or corporation causing same to wholly abate or remove such nuisance within the time stated, shall be charged against the lot or premises upon which the nuisance was maintained and from which it was removed as a special assessment and shall become a lien against such lot or premises at the same time and of the same character and effect, and collectible in the same manner as provided in the Special Assessment Procedures, §§ 33.15 et seq.
(Ord. 8.2A1, passed 7-21-92; Am. Ord. passed 5-5-93) Penalty, see § 95.99