Any subdivider must file with the County Clerk a preliminary plat and preliminary plat data, as required by this chapter in such form and content as is required.
   (A)   Technical requirements for preliminary plats. The following technical information shall be provided in the preliminary plat:
      (1)   The name of the proposed subdivision. The name shall not duplicate, or be deceptively similar to, an existing subdivision name;
      (2)   The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the subdivider or subdividers and the engineer or surveyor who prepared the plat;
      (3)   The legal description of the subdivision;
      (4)   A statement of the intended use of the proposed subdivision, such as, residential single-family, two-family, and multiple housing, commercial, industrial, recreational, or agricultural, and a showing of any sites proposed for parks, playgrounds, schools, churches, or other public uses;
      (5)   A map of the entire area scheduled for development if the proposed subdivision is a portion of a larger holding intended for subsequent development;
      (6)   A vicinity map showing the relationship of the proposed plat to the surrounding area (half-mile minimum radius, scale optional);
      (7)   Streets, street names, rights-of-way, and roadway widths, including adjoining streets or roadways;
      (8)   Lot lines, dimensions, numbers, and the total number of lots by blocks;
      (9)    If requested by the Board, the County Surveyor, or the County Engineer, contours, shown at five-foot intervals where land slope is greater than 10% and at two-foot intervals where land slope is 10% or less, with an established benchmark including location and elevation;
      (10)   A proposed method of sewage disposal and domestic water supply and any additional supporting data as may be required by the local and/or state health agencies;
      (11)   Any proposed or existing utilities, including, but not limited to: storm and sanitary sewers; irrigation laterals; ditches; drainages; bridges; culverts; water mains; fire hydrants; and their respective profiles or indicated alternative methods;
      (12)   A copy of any proposed restrictive covenants and/or deed restrictions or, if none, a statement that none are proposed;
      (13)   Any dedication to the public and/or easements, together with a statement of locations, dimensions, and purpose of such;
      (14)   Any additional required information for special developments, as specified in §§ 150.055 through 150.059;
      (15)   A statement as to whether or not a variance will be requested with respect to any provision of this chapter describing the particular provision, the variance requested, and the reasons therefor; and
      (16)   Engineering plans for streets, water, sewers, sidewalks, and other required public improvements. Said plans shall be submitted and bear a stamp of a licensed professional engineer.
   (B)   Further documentation to accompany the preliminary plat.
      (1)   Application for subdivision/land development review with the North Central Public Health District must be made and completed. The subdivider must provide the Board of County Commissioners with a copy of the letter from North Central Public Health stating that the sanitary restrictions have been satisfied;
      (2)   A letter from the public road jurisdiction (which may be the United States Forest Service in some cases) stating: approval of the subdivision roads; approval and grant of approach permits for any connections between subdivision roads and public roads; as well as acknowledgment that subdivision roads do indeed connect to a public road with adequate easements; and
      (3)   Documentation/evidence of legal access to all lots within the subdivision.
   (C)   Method of submission. Two copies of the preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision along with further documentation, now in accordance with the requirements hereinabove stated, shall be given to the County Clerk; each copy of said plat shall be on good quality paper, shall have dimensions of not less than 18 inches by 27 inches, shall be drawn to scale of not less than one inch to 100 feet, shall show the drafting date, and shall indicate thereon by arrow the generally northerly direction of the land depicted.
(Ord. 70, passed 5-19-2020; Ord. 71-B, passed 12-20-2022)