(A)   The following buildings that serve as the principal structure and are used for human occupancy shall be required to be connected to the city water utility.
      (1)   All buildings connected to the city water system on the date of adoption of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived shall remain connected to the city system for so long as the building is occupied or used for any purpose.
      (2)   All buildings constructed on property to which city water service is available at the time a certificate of occupancy is issued for the building after the date of adoption of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived shall be required to connect to city system prior to occupancy.
      (3)   All buildings constructed on property to which city water becomes available following legal occupancy of the building after the date of adoption of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived shall be required to connect to the city system as follows.
         (a)   All buildings shall be required to connect to the water utility within the timeframes established in accordance with a subdivision agreement, assessment roll, annexation agreement or other agreement to connect to city water as determined by the City Engineer.
         (b)   All other buildings shall be required to connect to city water within 90 days from the date city water service becomes available to the property.
      (4)   All buildings existing on the date of adoption of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived on property to which city water service is available or becomes available and are not connected to city water, shall be required to connect to city water as follows.
         (a)   All buildings shall be required to connect to the water utility within the timeframes established in accordance with a subdivision agreement, assessment roll, annexation agreement or other agreement to connect to city water as determined by the City Engineer.
         (b)   All other buildings shall be required to connect to the water utility within three years of the date of adoption of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived.
      (5)   Any buildings that do not meet the criteria set forth in divisions (A)(1) through (A)(4) above shall be required to connect to city water as determined by the City Engineer on a case-by-case basis.
   (B)   The owner of any building required by this section to be connected to the city water system shall cause the building to be connected to the city system, at the owner’s expense, as required. If connections to the city water system are not being made pursuant to this section, the city shall serve written notice on the affected property owner stating that if connection is not made within 90 days after the date of notice, the connection will be made by the city at the expense of the owner and that, if unpaid, the charge for such work will be made a special assessment against the property concerned. Such assessment, including interest at the legal rate for local improvements, shall be certified to the County Auditor and collected and remitted to the city in the same manner as assessments for local improvements. The rights of the city under this section shall be in addition to other remedial or enforcement rights provided by this code or other applicable law.
(2004 Code, § 52.12) (Ord. 12-0684, passed 8-14-2012) Penalty, see § 10.99