   (A)   New developments shall be designed with quality site landscaping, creation of landscape buffers and screening, require parking lot landscaping and street trees and encourage innovative approaches to reducing run-off, increasing filtration and managing storm water. Community objectives include:
      (1)   Create a welcoming environment for residents and visitors;
      (2)   Design new development to be respectful of adjacent parkland and other natural resources; and
      (3)   Protect the river with improved storm water run-off management, slowing runoff rates and increasing filtration to reduce land erosion and enhance river water quality.
   (B)   The following standards shall apply to construction within the River Overlay District and are required to meet community objectives for site landscaping and storm water management.
      (1)   A quality landscape plan shall be developed for the site that addresses any site issues for the site, such as screening and parking lot landscaping. Appropriate landscaping for year round buffering shall be utilized with a mix of conifers along with deciduous plantings.
      (2)   Plant materials shall be combined to produce a mix of scale of plant materials appropriate to the effect desired. A combination of over-story trees along with under-story ornamental trees, shrubs, and plantings is required.
      (3)   Use of native species and varieties of adaptable non-native species are encouraged.
      (4)   A storm water management plan is required for any additional impervious surface coverage and increased runoff rates or pollutant loading in order to protect the river with improved storm water run-off management, slowing run off rates and increasing filtration to reduce erosion and enhance river water quality.
      (5)   The use of innovative approaches to run-off, such as the use of rain gardens, vegetated strips, underground storage, and pervious pavement are encouraged and may be required to meet storm water management objectives.
      (6)   Environmentally sensitive site design and green building construction that reduces runoff from structures, such as green roofs, is encouraged.
(2004 Code, § 157.05) (Ord. 08-0500, passed 5-13-2008)
   (A)   New buildings shall be designed and built with consideration for design quality including building height and massing, colors and materials and the character of the architecture. Community objectives include:
      (1)   Require new development to be appropriately designed and scaled to maintain a small town feeling;
      (2)   Complement historic character with building styles appropriate to downtown;
      (3)   Anchor the gateway with new, high quality buildings set on the two north corners of the intersection;
      (4)   Reflect the massing and character of the historic power plant in the new development to express the historic downtown architectural character; and
      (5)   Express a riverfront town character by establishing river view corridors and massing new development to preserve these views, being respectful of the waterfront and adjacent parkland.
   (B)   The following standards shall apply to construction within the River Overlay District to meet community objectives for architectural design and quality.
      (1)   Building design review is required for all new buildings requiring site plan review within the Overlay District to determine if the building meets the community objectives identified above.
      (2)   Architecture of new buildings shall be respectful of riverfront views in scale and design.
      (3)   Building design that reflects traditional historic main street design and traditional store fronts is encouraged, such as two-story buildings with flat roofs, store front windows, easily identifiable main entrances and awnings.
      (4)   Building shall be designed with four-sided architecture, with all four sides receiving design attention, quality materials and exterior treatments.
      (5)   Quality, durable, building materials are required, such as brick, stone, stucco, rock face concrete block and other durable attractive materials.
      (6)   Environmentally friendly/green building design and technology such as green roofs are encouraged.
(2004 Code, § 157.06) (Ord. 08-0500, passed 5-13-2008; Ord. 15-0738, passed 5-12-2015)
   (A)   This section addresses the quality and design of all signage and lighting on the site or buildings. Lighting should be complimentary to the architectural design goals, sensitive to adjacent uses and designed to promote safety, especially for pedestrians. Community objectives include:
      (1)   Complement historic character with architectural signage styles appropriate to downtown.
      (2)   Provide for signage which tells visitors about nearby destinations and invites those ‘just passing through’ to stop and explore historic Hutchinson.
      (3)   Communicate the importance of the river to this community using signage, kiosks and/or visitor’s center, as well as other tools.
   (B)   The following standards shall apply to construction within the River Overlay District and are required to meet community objectives for signage and lighting.
      (1)   All signage shall comply with the requirements with the zoning district in which it is located; however properties within the Overlay District are encouraged to use unique signage that promotes a riverfront town feel and complements historic architectural styles.
      (2)   Building signage shall be designed to be integral into the building architecture.
      (3)   Pedestrian scale way-finding signage is encouraged in this district, to direct travelers, bicyclists, and walkers to site amenities, such as to the riverfront, historical features, park and trail amenities. Signage specifying business names or logos are not allowed, however pedestrian scale signage directing pedestrians to restaurants and shopping areas is permitted.
      (4)   A professional lighting plan shall be provided with all site plans that identify the type of lighting, height, and specifications of lighting fixtures. Light levels shall be identified on the lighting plan and shall not exceed 0.5 foot candle at lot lines.
      (5)   All lighting shall have 90-degree cut-off fixtures to minimize glare to adjacent properties.
      (6)   Path lighting shall be provided for pedestrian walkways to parking lots and sidewalks or trail access points.
(2004 Code, § 157.07) (Ord. 08-0500, passed 5-13-2008)