(A) The overall site plan design for new developments shall include the placement of buildings and site improvements with sensitivity to the waterfront, river views and with respect for the natural resources of the area. Community objectives include:
(1) Create a welcoming environment for residents and visitors;
(2) Express a riverfront town character by establishing river view corridors;
(3) Design new development to be respectful of the waterfront and adjacent parkland or other natural resources;
(4) Connect new development to existing riverfront trails and parkland with public sidewalks or connecting trails; and
(5) Link new development, popular destinations, and the adjacent neighborhoods with safe, well designed pedestrian connections.
(B) The following design standards apply to construction within the River Overlay District and are required to meet community objectives for site layout.
(1) The placement of buildings shall be positioned to be respectful to the river by maximizing river views and establishing river view corridors. A perspective drawing of the proposed building and photos of the site’s relationship to the river and surrounding properties shall be provided with site plan application materials.
(2) Site design shall take into account the relationship between the development to the waterfront, nearby parkland and natural resources. Site amenities that take advantage of the proximity to these resources are encouraged, such as outdoor dining opportunities, visitor destinations and rest areas with bike racks and benches for bicyclists and pedestrians are encouraged.
(3) Buildings shall be oriented to the street, with parking next to or behind buildings.
(4) Parking shall be located and designed in a manner that is complementary to the natural features of the site and building orientation.
(5) Large parking lots are discouraged and shall instead be designed in a manner that large expanses of parking are broken up into smaller areas with landscaped islands and pedestrian friendly areas, such as pathways and plazas.
(6) A reduction in the number of parking spaces required may be granted for shared parking facilities with complementary uses. A proof of parking plan shall be submitted for future parking expansion under this option.
(7) Site planning should provide for safe site access and circulation which minimizes auto and pedestrian conflicts.
(8) Primary entrances to the buildings shall be designed and located to maximize pedestrian access and connectivity to sidewalks and trails. Pedestrian safety features shall be provided, such as crosswalk striping or use of textured, colored paving.
(9) Service areas shall be located on the site in areas that minimize their appearance and shall be screened with landscaping or decorative fencing with supplemental landscaping. Fencing without landscaping is not permitted.
(2004 Code, § 157.04) (Ord. 08-0500, passed 5-13-2008)