(A)   River Overlay District established. This chapter establishes a River Overlay District, as shown in the appendix to this chapter. The requirements of this chapter apply within this district and supplement the requirements of the city zoning, subdivision and other regulations that govern the use and development of property within the city. Therefore, all standards and requirements of this chapter are in addition to the requirements of the city zoning and subdivision ordinances.
      (1)   Any parcel of land located within this overlay district is subject to all requirements of the underlying zoning district.
      (2)   If there is a conflict between any provision of this chapter and any provision of the city zoning, subdivision or other regulation, the more restrictive provision will apply.
   (B)   Purpose.
      (1)   The purpose of River Overlay Design Guidelines and Standards is to realize the vision, goals and objectives that were identified in the Highway 7 Corridor Study and Area Plan. These design standards are important to preserve and highlight the significant natural and historical resources in the corridor along the South Fork of the Crow River and meet the objectives identified in the corridor study. The objectives identified in the plan are incorporated by reference and include:
         (a)   Maintain a friendly, small town atmosphere.
         (b)   Appreciate the historic riverfront, trails and parkland.
         (c)   Establish destinations that are pedestrian friendly.
         (d)   Create a stable, safe place to live, work and shop Main Street and new mixed use development on these comers.
         (e)   Provide a distinct gateway at the intersection with Highway 15.
      (2)   The design standards shall apply specifically to properties within the adopted River Overlay District, which is incorporated as a part of the city code. Standards shall be applied to redevelopment, new developments, and all new buildings constructed within the district, except as specifically exempted by this chapter. The guidelines provide more detailed requirements for site planning, building placement, architecture, building materials, landscaping and storm water improvements beyond those identified in each zoning district. Review of all new buildings and developments shall be conducted through the process identified in § 154.174 of this code of ordinances.
   (C)   Exemptions. The construction of new buildings, building additions and accessory structures for legally existing uses established before the adoption of this ordinance are exempted from the requirements of the River Overlay District standards. Existing properties are not exempted from meeting all other requirement of the city code, such as zoning ordinance standards, storm water management requirements and all other applicable regulations.
(2004 Code, § 157.02) (Ord. 08-0500, passed 5-13-2008)