All access to Trunk Highway 7 must conform to the spacing and design standards provided in Table 2 and as follows.
Table 2
District Access Spacing and Allowance Standards
Access Type
Urban Core
Table 2
District Access Spacing and Allowance Standards
Access Type
Urban Core
Public street connection spacing
Minor intersections
Not applicable
No. by modification only
No. by modification only
Primary intersections
1/4 to 1/2 mile
1/2 mile
1 mile
Secondary intersections
Not applicable
1/4 mile from a primary intersection
1/2 mile from a primary intersection
Private access allowance
Commercial driveways
Subject to conditions
No. by modification only
Subject to conditions
Residential driveways
If alternate access is not available, one per parcel
No. by modification only
If alternate access is not available, one per parcel
   (A)   Public street connections. All streets proposed to connect to Trunk Highway 7 must meet the spacing standards of the applicable district as provided in Table 2 and below.
      (1)   Standards for primary intersections.
         (a)   A primary intersection is permitted according to the spacing standards of the applicable Access Management District as provided in Table 2 above and Figures 2 and 3 of the Trunk Highway 7 Access Management Plan.
         (b)   The street connecting to Trunk Highway 7 at a primary intersection must be functionally planned and designed as an arterial or collector street, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
         (c)   A primary intersection may be designed as a full movement intersection.
         (d)   A primary intersection may be signalized if determined necessary to facilitate the safe flow of traffic between the highway and the supporting street network. Signalization is subject to approval of a Signal Justification Report by the Mn/DOT and any other affected road authority.
      (2)   Standards for secondary street intersections.
         (a)   A secondary intersection is permitted midway between and one-half of the spacing of primary intersections as provided in Table 2 above and Figures 2 and 3 of the Trunk Highway 7 Access Management Plan.
         (b)   Any street connecting to Trunk Highway 7 at a Secondary Intersection must be functionally planned and designed as a collector or arterial street, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer;
         (c)   Mn/DOT may restrict turning movements at a secondary intersection to ensure the safety and mobility of Trunk Highway 7; and
         (d)   Secondary intersections are not intended to be signalized.
      (3)   Standards for minor street intersections. The approving authority may permit a minor street connection to Trunk Highway 7 in an Urbanizing or Rural District only as a modification of standards as set forth in § 156.09 of this chapter.
      (4)   Standards for all street intersections.
         (a)   A street intersection must not be located within a turn lane to another public street or a private driveway;
         (b)   The intersection must be located to provide adequate intersection sight distance, as provided in Table 3 below:
Table 3
Stopping and Intersection Sight Distance
Posted Speed (mph)
Stopping Sight Distance (Ft.)*
Intersection Sight Distance (Ft.)**
Right-Turning Vehicles
Left-Turning Vehicles
Table 3
Stopping and Intersection Sight Distance
Posted Speed (mph)
Stopping Sight Distance (Ft.)*
Intersection Sight Distance (Ft.)**
Right-Turning Vehicles
Left-Turning Vehicles
Source: ASSHTO Green Book 2001
* Stopping sight distance is based on a level roadway without horizontal curvature. It is measured from the nearest edges of two adjacent entrances. On two-lane undivided roadways, adjacent entrances may be on opposite sides of the road.
** The intersection sight distance shown is for a stopped passenger car to cross or turn onto a two-lane highway with no median and a grade of 3% or less.
         (c)   The minimum spacing between a street intersection and the next street intersection or commercial access to Trunk Highway 7 must conform to the stopping sight distance associated with the posted speed limit, as provided in Table 3 above;
         (d)   Turn lanes must be provided as recommended by Mn/DOT or the affected road authority;
         (e)   On undivided roadways, street connections on opposing sides of Trunk Highway 7 must be aligned with one another to the extent practicable;
         (f)   As illustrated in Figure 1, any public or private access to a street connecting to Trunk Highway 7 must be located at least the minimum distance from the centerline of Trunk Highway 7 as provided in Table 4.
Table 4
Access Spacing for Streets Connecting to Trunk Highway 7
Intersecting Street Type
Connecting Street Type
Two-Lane (Feet)
Four-Lane (Feet)
   (B)   Private access.
      (1)   Access allowance in urban core and rural districts.
         (a)   A parcel will be permitted one private access to Trunk Highway 7 only if reasonably convenient and suitable alternative access is not available or attainable from the local road network or by a shared driveway with an adjacent parcel.
         (b)   A private access designed to serve four or more residential lots or a single parcel with the potential for future subdivision into four or more lots must be considered under the requirements for a public street connection.
      (2)   Access allowance in urbanizing districts. Private access to Trunk Highway 7 is permitted only upon approval of a modification of standards as set forth in § 156.09 of this chapter.
      (3)   Access standards. Private access to Trunk Highway 7 is subject to the standards below. If any of these standards cannot be met, the access may only be approved as a Modification of Access Standards as set forth in § 156.09 of this chapter.
         (a)   A private access must be located on the property to provide adequate intersection sight distance as provided in Table 3;
         (b)   A private access connection must not be located within a turn lane to a public street or another private driveway;
         (c)   The minimum spacing between commercial access connections or between a commercial access and a public street connection must conform to the stopping sight distance requirements in Table 3 above:
            1.   If lot frontage is inadequate to provide the required minimum spacing, access must be provided via a shared entrance or cross access easement with an adjacent property, unless a modification is granted under § 156.09 of this chapter;
            2.   To maintain minimum safe spacing between commercial accesses as development occurs, a commercial access may be required to serve adjacent property by a shared entrance located on the common property line or a cross access easement; and
            3.    When required to provide a shared entrance or cross access easement, the property owners must record an easement allowing cross access to and from the properties served by the shared driveway or cross access. The recorded easement must include a joint maintenance agreement defining the maintenance responsibilities of the property owners;
         (d)   On undivided roadways, access connections on opposing sides of streets must be aligned with one another to the extent practicable;
         (e)   Turn lanes must be provided as recommended by Mn/DOT or the affected road authority; and
         (f)   Turning movements to and from a private access may be restricted at the time of construction or at a future date based upon existing or anticipated roadway conditions.
(2004 Code, § 156.07) (Ord. 03-361, passed 5-25-2004)