(A) In addition to all other charges for tapping into or connecting with the municipal sanitary sewer system, or the municipal water system, including inspection of connection, street opening fees and permit fees elsewhere established by this code, no connection permit shall be issued, nor shall any tap or other connection be installed or made with or into any municipal sanitary sewer or water system of the city, either directly or indirectly, from any lot or tract of land unless the City Engineer shall have certified that construction costs have been addressed.
(B) To fulfill the above requirement, the City Engineer shall have certified as follows:
(1) The lot or tract of land to be thus served by the connection or tap has been assessed for the cost of construction of the sewer and water main with which the connection is made;
(2) If no assessment has been levied for the construction cost, proceedings for the levying of the assessment, or assessments, have been or will be commenced in due course; and
(3) The cost of construction for that sewer or water main has been paid by the developer or builder platting the lot or tract of land; this shall not include lots or tracts served by the municipal sewer system, and which were not a part of the plat or tract development.
(2004 Code, § 50.35) (Ord. 90-19, passed 5-8-1990) Penalty, see § 10.99
If none of the above conditions can be certified by the City Engineer, no permit to tap or connect to any sanitary sewer or water main shall be issued unless the applicant shall pay an additional connection fee or fees, which shall be equal to the portion of the cost of the construction and installation of water and sewer mains which would be assessable against the lot, tract or parcel to be served by the tapping or connection pursuant to that permit. The assessable cost shall be determined by the City Engineer upon a comparable basis per front foot as similar assessments for this type of public improvement were determined and levied in that district or area, then the calculation shall be made upon the basis of a uniform charge per front foot, which may have been or shall be estimated or levied for similar public improvement most recently constructed, this determination having regard for construction costs current on the date of the determination.
(2004 Code, § 50.36) (Ord. 90-19, passed 5-8-1990)
(A) Written application shall be made upon forms to be provided therefor by the city and shall require information including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Exact legal description of the premises for which water or sewer connection is applied, including plat and parcel number;
(2) Address of the premises;
(3) Name and address of the plumber and other contractor;
(4) Name and address of the owner of the premises;
(5) Date of opening and installation of the connection;
(6) General description of the type and methods of connection to be used or made; and
(7) Other pertinent information as the Engineer may require from time to time.
(B) The appropriate additional connection fee, or fees, shall be determined by the City Engineer within ten days of the application.
(C) The applicant shall enter into a contractual agreement with the city whereby for payment of the additional connection fee, or fees, the premises for which water or sewer connection is applied shall be permitted to tap or connect to the water or sewer system.
(D) Any person, firm or corporation being aggrieved by any additional connection charges pursuant to this subchapter may appeal those charges to the City Council by giving written notice to the City Administrator within ten days of the date upon which determination of the charges was made known to the applicant. In the event a hearing is requested by the applicant, the City Administrator shall set the matter for hearing before the City Council not less than ten days and not more than 30 days after the request. The City Council shall review the determination of the fee or fees and make its final order sustaining or modifying the fee or fees.
(2004 Code, § 50.37) (Ord. 90-19, passed 5-8-1990)